We've Got You Covered
With over 500,000 songs from more than 3,000 publishers, you can rest assured that the songs you love are covered. Find the legal songs that fit your needs.
Let’s work together.
If you’re a label, a publisher or an artist or songwriter who looks to reach new audiences and who wishes to partner with CCLI, we welcome your enquiry. You’re the reason we are able to make this content available and to bring congregations the world over together through music.
Let's Talk
We'll connect you with an Artist Representative.
Contact UsI am grateful for the chance to be a part of the CCLI community. There is no greater or stronger organization in the world than our Lord's church. And CCLI continues to strongly support and bless this church. CCLI is a strong foundation for worship music today.
CCLI licenses song lyrics and notation for churches and ensures that you can use the music legally. CCLI is a licensed company in accordance with EU Directive 2014/26 and is under government supervision, without which it is not possible to license the rights. Please note that licenses from companies offering a similar license without this status are void and therefore of no value to you.
Talk with a knowledgeable specialist: Monday - Thursday : 9:00am-2:00pm.
+33 3 87 84 7230Contact CCLI with general questions or comments.
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